Breastfeeding PSA Features Talking Baby With Grown-Up Mug (VIDEO, POLL)

Creepy Or Cute?: Breastfeeding PSA Features Talking Baby With Grown-Up Mug

In a video spot reminiscent of the famous talking-baby E*TRADE ads, the Kentucky Mayor's Healthy Hometown initiative aims to raise awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding in a new series of public service announcements. Their mouthpiece, a chatty infant, thoroughly versed on why "breastmilk is the best milk," wears an odd (and potentially painful) grin, including a full set of adult teeth.

"Some people think breastfeeding in public is nasty, but it's not. It's natural. And with Hooter Hiders, slings and the old baby blanket over the shoulder technique, Mom can feed me anywhere," the baby says in one of three clips that also feature her mother, father and "Big Momma," sharing their thoughts on why breastfeeding is essential.

Though her cuteness (or creepiness) is up for debate, the baby dishes out some pretty spot-on advice for the African-American families to whom the initiative seems to be targeted.

According to a study by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 73 percent of American women start out breastfeeding, a number that drops to around 54 percent when looking exclusively at African-American women. Black women are also less likely to still be breastfeeding as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics at six months and one year.

The campaign website, which cites studies that show breastfed babies are less likely to develop allergies, have fewer ear infections and have better dental health, also includes links to a breastfeeding guide for African-American women published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and a blog called "Blacktating."

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