Kyung Sunghyun's Chameleons And Ghostly Visions (PHOTOS)

Chameleons And Ghostly Visions

Kyung Sunghyun creates uncanny portraits that resemble shaky, overexposed photographs. Yet these tremors are not a mere technological mishap but a crucial aspect of representation. Paik Gon writes, "Shakiness blurs the shape, at the same time revealing his subject’s true emotional and psychological state."

Sunghyun's subjects are shapeshifters; no single perspective can capture their dynamic nature. They appear to be ghostly visions, yet what is more 'lifelike' than natural movement? Sunghyun's portraits choose hazy ambiguity over hasty precision; they rest in a hallucinatory in-between, letting the subject's multiple selves manifest as if in a mythical creature. The people Sunghyun depicts are not approached with prior constraints as to what they will look like or what kind of person they are, allowing their multiple dimensions to blossom and fade. Sunghyun creates haunting images of a dreamlike, altered state where things are constantly in flux.

Kyung, Sunghyun

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