Best Places To Cry Alone On Valentine's Day

Best Places to Cry Alone On Valentine's Day

NEW YORK -- You may not have realized this, but most places in this city have people in them. People are buying things in stores, people are eating things in restaurants. There are young people, old people, happy people, shiny people. People: Everywhere.

Across my desk, there is a person. A person named Todd. He's just listening to some music, looking totally at ease in the world. That's Todd, alright. Easy Todd. Easy, breezy, sleazy Todd.

So what do you do when you're about to cry and you don't want anyone to see you? What are the best places to curl into the fetal position on a relatively hygienic floor?

HuffPost UGH is here for you. Read on for our list of the best places to cry alone, editor-tested and approved.

A NOTE FROM HUFFPOST VALENTINE'S DAY EDITORS LINDSAY AND TODD, WHO BROKE UP THIS MORNING: We're not letting today's personal issues affect the quality content we bring you every Valentine's Day! Still, if you want to know exactly how Todd messed up, we are keeping a liveblog.

Your Bedroom Floor


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