Breakup Songs: What Are Your "It's Over" Anthems?

What's Your Breakup Song?

If you're in a relationship, Valentine's Day might have been an okay thing for you. There were likely the obligatory but also well-intentioned gifts, and perhaps you managed to carve out time alone together to celebrate how lucky you are to have found each other.

If you've recently been dumped, the whole thing was probably slightly less fun.

The good news for folks in the second category is that the Day of Love has passed, and you can get back to licking your wounds without having to watch other people's bouquets pass your desk. Step 1: Find your headphones.

Upon breaking up, you need an anthem -- usually several, given the number of emotional phases a person tends to pass through at the end of a relationship. You need a tune for your sense of abandonment; one for conscious, abject wallowing; and an I Am So Over Him/Her song to tide you over until you actually are. You need a ballad for that moment when you wish you could just start over, and maybe some mid-90s angry white boy music to express your rage at being dumped by someone you weren't even that interested in at first. You need a song that says you knew you'd stayed too long. You need a song for when you decide to get back in the game.

Which is why we've decided to create the definitive HuffPost Women breakup playlist. If there's a track that got you through a breakup -- or is getting you through -- let us know. (If you need inspiration, by all means check out NPR's All Songs Considered segment on the subject and also Facebook's newly released list of the most popular breakup songs on Spotify.)

Tweet the song, artist, and how it helped @HuffPostWomen using #BreakupAnthem. We'll gather your responses and with the help of Spotify, feature the playlist here.

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