'The Big Bang Theory': Amy's Gift To Penny Is A Disturbing Portrait (VIDEO)

'Big Bang': Amy's Crazy Gift To Penny

Amy Farrah Fowler has made it very clear how fond she is of Penny on "The Big Bang Theory" (Thu., 8 p.m. EST on CBS). She has declared them best friends, heaps uncomfortable amounts of praise upon her at any given moment, and even goes so far as to declare her essentially perfect. She is blissfully confident that Penny feels much the same way.

So when she dropped $3,000 on a special gift for the two of them, there was no reason for her to think Penny might be made just a bit uncomfortable by it. Maybe she wouldn't have been were the portrait of the two of them just a smidge less creepy. Or, as Bernadette pointed out, had Penny not looked like a transvestite man. Even in the picture she looked a little uncomfortable.

To make matters worse, it was enormous, meaning it would dominate the entire apartment. And of course Amy arrived ready to hang it up right away. But when she later caught Penny taking it down when she wasn't there, she was distraught. Penny had to rely on a white lie -- saying Bernadette was jealous because she wasn't in the painting -- to ease Amy's pain. It worked, but it may have worked a little too well.

Amy promptly picked up the painting and headed back to Penny's to get it hung back up on that wall. Will this become a fixture in Penny's apartment for savvy viewers to catch in future episodes?

Find out as "The Big Bang Theory" continues Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.

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