Occupy Toilet: Women Protest Long Lines For Public Bathrooms

OCCUPY TOILET: Women Demand Shorter Bathroom Wait Times

Ladies, you've been there. Standing arms-crossed in a winding line of women, edging slowly toward the restroom as men push past through the door with a skirtless stick figure.

In Guangzhuo, China, one student decided that enough was enough. Li Tingting and 20 female accomplices set up camp in a men's public toilet to protest long wait times, according to the AFP.

The express purpose of the 'occupy' toilet protests was "not to forcibly stop men from using their toilet, but to arouse consciousness on gender equality in both women and men," the group explained, according to UPI.

Wei Tibin, the group's only male participant, noted the mixed reaction from men attempting to use the restrooms. "A few of the men who were stopped outside the 'occupied' toilet expressed a severe need for the toilet. However, most of them acknowledged the campaign after we explained it to them," he told UPI.

Now, it looks like the city of Guangzhou might be listening. According to China Daily, the Municipal Commission of City Administration is attempting to set a minimum men's-to-women's toilet ratio at 1 to 1.5.

If the measure succeeds, Guangzhou won't be the first place to instate such ratios for public latrines. According to the Wall Street Journal, in Hong Kong and Taiwan, laws require more space for female than male toilets.

In the meantime, AFP reports that Li Tingting plans to occupy men's toilets in Beijing to attract the attention of senior officials in the capital.

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