Rick Santorum Quotes & Controversial Remarks Draw Fire (PHOTOS)

Santorum Draws Fire With Inflammatory Remarks

Rick Santorum's fiery rhetoric and willingness to engage on social issues have endeared him to conservative voters.

Running at the front of the pack; however, has also brought more scrutiny to some of the GOP hopeful's statements.

Reuters reports:

Though he is giving Republican rival Mitt Romney a run for his money in the nomination race, Santorum's language might be an obstacle if he wins his party's nomination to challenge Obama in the November 6 election.

"As a frontrunner you have to watch exactly what you say," said Donna Robinson Devine, professor of government at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. "The attention has moved to Santorum, but to me he seems very whiny. I just can't imagine him as president."

Below, a slideshow of some of Santorum's most controversial remarks:

Controversial Rick Santorum Statements

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