Park Slope Food Coop Meeting Hilariously Live Tweeted By Chadwick Matlin

Hilarious Live Tweeting Of Park Slope Coop Meeting

Senior Reuters Opinion Editor Chadwick Matlin attended the monthly meeting of the Park Slope Food Coop Tuesday night. At 7:26PM, he tweeted, "I wasn't going to, but it's too good not to tweet. The park slop food coop meeting has begun."

Thus started two-plus hours of live-tweeting that reads like a script to Portlandia: a PSA about plastic bags based on "The Artist," talk of "fascist food," a lot of good intentions, and a lot of passive aggression.

Hopefully Matlin, who's a member of the Coop, will live tweet next month's meeting--sure to be a real barnburner-- when they will vote on whether to have a vote on an Israeli food ban.

Take a look at a sampling below and for a fuller account, head on over to The Awl.

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