Os Gemeos Create A Dream World In The Middle Of LA

Os Gemeos Create A World Of Wonder In LA

Os Gemeos are twin brothers Gustavo and Otavio Pandolfo from Brazil whose street art creations transcend easy classifications. Their new show at Prism LA, "Miss You," combines installation and painting that absorbs the space as opposed to fitting into it. Akin to the forward-thinking animation from Nickolodeon's '90s heyday, Os Gemeos' characters come alive on each wall. At any point, a random floating head or painting could spring to life and start a conversation, pleading for us to forget our troubles, if only for a moment.

Os Gemeos "Miss You" At Prism LA - Installation view

"Miss You" is everything we need in an art exhibition, an escape without the guilt, imagination without the feeling of regression. Os Gemeos manufacture a world that we all want to live in, but at the very least we can take a small vacation where seconds feel like hours and we never cease to be amazed.

Os Gemeos "Miss You" At Prism LA - Installation view

Os Gemeos' "Miss You" will be on display at Prism LA until March 24, 2012. View a slideshow of "Miss You" below.

Os Gemeos "Miss You" At Prism LA

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