Richest People In D.C.: 'Forbes' List Names Local Billionaires

Where's The Money? 'Forbes' List Names Local Billionaires

WASHINGTON -- The nation's capital has just one billionaire, according to Forbes' new list of the richest people in the world. (Cue evil laughing.) D.C.'s environs have more green.

Who made the list? There's 13 billionaires in the D.C. area altogether. They include the person who voiced "Beaver" in "The Fantastic Mr. Fox," a candy heiress -- the only woman on the list -- a winery owner, and a whole lot of tycoons:

# 52 on the Forbes list: Jacqueline Mars
Net Worth: $13.8 billion
Lives In: The Plains, Va.
You Should Know: The candy heiress is a famously private horsewoman. Her net worth has grown in recent years -- in 2010, she was worth a mere $11 billion.

# 296 on the Forbes list: Mitchell Rales
Net Worth: $3.7 billion
Lives In: Potomac, Md.
You Should Know: Mitchell Rales lives on a 125-acre estate in Potomac, Md. The estate houses the Glenstone Museum, home to Rales' intriguing art collection.

# 344 on the Forbes list: Ted Lerner
Net Worth: $3.3 billion
Lives In: Chevy Chase, Md.
You Should Know: Ted Lerner owns the Nats. If you're a Pennsylvania senator unhappy with the team's controversial "Take Back The Park" ticketing policy, Lerner's the one to write to.

# 344 on the Forbes list: Steven Rales
Lives In: Washington, D.C.
Net Worth: $3.3 billion
You Should Know: Steven Rales, the 60-year-old co-founder and chairman of Danaher Corporation, is the District's only billionaire. Rales is also a film producer -- among his films is "The Fantastic Mr. Fox." Rales voiced the character "Beaver" in that film, too.

# 418 on the Forbes list: William Conway Jr.
Net Worth: $2.8 billion
Lives In: McLean, Va.
You Should Know: Conway is a co-founder of the well-connected private equity firm The Carlyle Group, a "godsend for conspiracy theories" in the words of The Economist.

# 418 on the Forbes list: Daniel D'Aniello
Net Worth: $2.8 billion
Lives In: Vienna, Va.
You Should Know: D'Aniello is another co-founder of The Carlyle Group. Here are some more Carlyle conspiracy theories, from the website Conspiracy Digest.

# 418 on the Forbes list: David Rubenstein
Net Worth: $2.8 billion
Lives In: Bethesda, Md.
You Should Know: David Rubenstein is another co-founder of the Carlyle Group. He is also giving millions of dollars to repair the Washington Monument.

# 764 on the Forbes list: Richard Marriott
Net Worth: $1.7 billion
Lives In: Potomac, Md.
You Should Know: Hotelier Richard Marriott has donated $750,000 to Restore Our Future, the pro-Mitt Romney Super PAC.

# 804 on the Forbes list: Bill Marriott Jr.
Net Worth: $1.6 billion
Lives In: Potomac, Md.
You Should Know: Bill Marriott Jr. is Richard Marriott's brother and has also donated generously to Romney's presidential campaign. He's also the person who announced that beloved Hot Shoppes restaurants would be reopening in the District.

# 854 on the Forbes list: Steve Case
Net Worth: $1.5 billion
Lives In: McLean, Va.
You Should Know: Steve Case co-founded AOL in 1985. More recently, he founded a new venture capital fund focusing on investments east of the Mississippi. Case and his wife also own a Virginia winery.

# 913 on the Forbes list: Stephen Bisciotti
Net Worth: $1.4 billion
Lives In: Millersville, Md.
You Should Know: Bisciotti owns the Baltimore Ravens.

# 1075 on the Forbes list: Bernard Saul II
Net Worth: $1.1 billion
Lives In: Chevy Chase, Md.
You Should Know: Bernard Saul II founded Chevy Chase Bank in 1969. He sold it to Capital One for $476 million in 2009.

# 1075 on the Forbes list: Dan Snyder
Net Worth: $1.1 billion
Lives In: Potomac, Md.
You Should Know: Redskins owner Dan Snyder is being pressured anew to change the team's racially insensitive name.

RELATED VIDEO: Forbes editors and reporters break down the 2012 list of billionaires.

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