Tom Hanks Narrates Pro-Obama Film, Trailer Released

Trailer Released For Tom Hanks-Narrated Pro-Obama Film

The Obama campaign on Thursday morning released the trailer for the 17-minute-long infomercial/biopic that it will unveil later this month.

The trailer doesn't reveal much, save that the film -- directed by Davis Guggenheim of "An Inconvenient Truth" fame -- is narrated by Tom Hanks and features a wide cast of first-term characters. Even Elizabeth Warren, the consumer protection advocate turned Massachusetts Senate candidate who clashed with the president's economic team, makes a cameo, discussing the dangers of not bailing out the auto industry.

And that's sort of the point of the film: to shine a light on all of the tough decisions the president made without getting into the messier, staff-level drama that preceded those decisions.

The full trailer is below.

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