John Boehner Pushed On Tribute For U.S. Troops By GOP Congressman

Boehner Pressed To Honor Military

A Republican congressman is calling on House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to pay tribute more regularly to slain members of the military.

Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) said on the House floor on Wednesday that he worried the war in Afghanistan was being overshadowed by economic issues.

"We need to continue this process of remembering those who have given so much to our country because too many times we get so wrapped up with major issues like the debt, the deficit and jobs, and so many important things, but there is nothing more important than those young men and women over there in Afghanistan who are giving their limbs and their life," he said.

Jones credited House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for presiding over a monthly moment of silence while she was Speaker.

"I want to give her credit and thanks that she did it for the whole time that she was Speaker of the House," Jones said.

He alleged that the practice had been largely dropped since his party became the majority, and that Boehner himself is rarely there during the tributes. "I regret that I must say the last time we did this was Dec. 16 of 2011," he said.

"I intend to prepare a letter to Mr. Boehner and ask him, himself, not one time do I remember, maybe one time that he was in the Speaker's chair and he said the words of I thank you, those who have served and those who have given so much."

Jones has been calling to restore the regular moments of silence since February of last year, when he said he would introduce a resolution mandating them if Boehner did not continue the practice.

Boehner spokesman Michael Steel told The Hill that the House still honors the Armed Forces.

"We do a moment of silence to honor troops nearly every month,” he said.

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