Livery Cabs Likely To Be Painted Green By Taxi And Limousine Commission

Get Ready To Hail A Green Cab

No need to be alarmed the next time you hail a cab ride home and start seeing green. The color is said to be a favorite pick for the Taxi and Limousine Commission in a new mandate directing drivers to distinguish their vehicles from the traditional yellow taxi with a different hue.

Livery Base Owners Association spokeswoman Cira Angeles explained the likely choice, "Blue to a certain degree is associated with the police, red with emergency vehicles. Finally someone mentioned green, and it sounded like a pretty good idea when it comes to identifying the car."

While the usage of livery cabs is hardly anything new for New Yorkers, the city reached a deal to legally allow livery cabs to pick up passengers in the outer boroughs only in December. Lawmakers, including Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg, believe the decision will lead to major revenue source for the city.

Not to be left out in the makeover, the TLC is said to be looking into replacing 50 yellow cabs with fancy iPads or other tablets so passengers can enjoy their ride with computer games and use their credit cards to swipe at any point in their ride.

Last summer, Bloomberg announced a Nissan minivan would replace the traditional taxi as the cab of tomorrow. He reassured however, the vans would keep its yellow paint job in order to keep its iconic New York look. See below for a glimpse of the new ride:

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