Mitt Romney Likens Pancake From Charlie Parker's Diner To Puerto Rico Primary Victory (VIDEO)

Mitt Romney Compares Primary Victory To Pancake

After cruising to an overwhelming victory in Sunday's Puerto Rico primary, GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney was up bright and early on Monday, likening his big win to a massive pancake.

Romney stopped in at Charlie Parker's Diner in Springfield, Ill., making a pitch to voters at the popular breakfast joint.

"I need only one thing from you this morning -- no two," Romney said. "Number one, I need some pancakes, and number two, I need you to go vote tomorrow."

Romney's first wish came true. ABC News reports that the former Massachusetts governor heaped heavy praise on "Charlie's Famous Giant Pancake," equating the 16-inch flapjack to his weekend performance.

"These pancakes are about as large as my win in Puerto Rico last night, I must admit," Romney said. "The margin is just about as good."

Charlie Parker's cuisine has received national attention. The spot was featured on Food Network's hit show Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, where host Guy Fieri learned that about 18 ounces of batter are used to make the pancake.

During the course of his campaign trail travels, Romney has turned to food to connect with the local scene. While dining in Mississippi two weeks ago, he revealed his affinity for grits. A few days later, his Magnolia State travels also led him to try catfish for just the second time.

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