Geometric Porn: Should Apple Have Rejected This Artist's App As Pornography? (VIDEO)

Should Apple Have Rejected This 'Porn' App?

Shapes. They're all around us -- shapes compose the structure of your house, your desk at work, and even your entire human body.

Yeah, that's right: Your **entire** **human** **body**.

I'm talkin' about all of it.

That, I suppose, is the driving force behind Geometric Porn, which is almost exactly what it sounds like. Geometric Porn simulates pornography -- namely, sex organs, intercourse, and, uh, completion -- using nothing but simple geometric shapes; it's the name given to an abstract art project by London-based visual artist Luciano Foglia, who had also hoped to make Geometric Porn an interactive iPhone app.

Specifically, Apple found that Geometric Porn "present[s] excessively objectionable or crude content" and that "many audiences would find [the] app concept objectionable."

Foglia, meanwhile, finds that the only thing objectionable here is Apple's sensibilities, arguing in a statement that the Geometric Porn app "does not show any sexual or erotical image," that "it's totally pornography free," and, finally, that it is simply "a game of optical art created for the allusion of the erotic [sic]."

So, is the Geometric Porn app objectionable, or does Apple just not know art when it sees it? Here's a video of the app in action, created by Foglia and posted on his Vimeo site (CAUTION: Some might find the following content objectionable).


Apple's not shy about rejecting apps from its App Store: HuffPost favorite iScab was initially rejected for being too bloody, and several other apps have been turned down for everything from celebrity defamation, to depictions of nudity, to promoting violence.

So, you've watched the video: What do you think? Crude, rude, and socially unacceptable, or an overreaction to a playful work of art?

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