Free Food Truck Night In Santa Monica (PHOTOS)

PHOTOS: Free Food Truck Night In Santa Monica

Free food! Even if you know nothing about BBC America's new television show "No Kitchen Required," you're sure to love the way they're celebrating.

On March 27, from 5:30-9:30pm at 2612 Main St. in Santa Monica, BBC America will provide free dinner and eleven food trucks to choose from.

If you fancy ice cream sandwiches for dinner like we do, Coolhaus will be there! Also rolling up will be The Buttermilk Truck, Crepe’s Bonaparte, Don Chow Tacos, Frysmith, India Jones, Lime Truck, Lobsta Truck, Nom Nom, Ta Bom and White Rabbit Truck.

After you're done stuffing yourself, sit back for a screening of "No Kitchen Required" at 7pm.

CORRECTION: A previous version of this story stated that the event will be in Venice Beach. The story has been edited to clarify that the event will be in Santa Monica.

Click through this slideshow to see photos of what each truck has to offer. Yum!

Coolhaus Truck

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