Man Graffitis Own Home: Daryl McClain Vandalizes Garage To Retrieve Stolen Truck (VIDEO)

Why Did This Man Graffiti An Angry Message His Own House?

"To the mother fu----- that stole my truck. URA Dead MAN."

That's Daryl McClain's message -- spray-painted in bold black letters on his garage doors -- for whoever drove off with his vehicle on March 10.

It might not seem like the best way to handle the anger, but McClain says he's not one to "keep it in."

"I speak my mind," the San Antonio resident told KENS-5.

But it seems you can't just vandalize your garage and expect not to upset the neighbors.

"What is wrong with the guy across the street?" said Roy Patty, according to THV. "It's like a parade route. Everybody comes by. I take pride in my house."

But McClain insists that cars are slowing down to give him the thumbs up, or perhaps because of the "2K NQA" for any information on the stolen vehicle. That's a $2,000 reward, no questions asked.

To be certain, the television station asked McClain to confirm that he graffitied his own property.

"Yes I did," McClain said, adding that "URA Dead MAN" was not meant as a death threat.

"I would just like my stuff back," McClain said.

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