Marco Rubio: There Are 'A Lot Of Other People' I Wish Had Run

Marco Rubio Wishes 'A Lot Of Other People' Had Run

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) may have endorsed Mitt Romney on Wednesday, but he hinted on Thursday that he might have preferred someone else as the Republican presidential nominee.

"There are a lot of other people out there that some of us wish had run for president, but they didn't," Rubio told The Daily Caller in an interview. "I think Mitt Romney would be a fine president, and he'd be way better than the guy who's there right now."

Rubio is mentioned often as a potential vice presidential candidate -- and as someone who is angling for the position, even though he has said he will not be chosen.

His endorsement of Romney -- even more so, his joining the ticket -- could give Romney some much-needed credibility with Tea Partiers, many of whom are fans of Rubio.

Rubio told The Daily Caller that he is not concerned about hurting his conservative reputation by endorsing Romney.

"I don't think supporting Mitt Romney undermines that in any way," he said.

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