'Old Man And The Sea' Illustrated In Stop-Motion (VIDEO)

A Stop-Motion 'Old Man And The Sea'

Dutch artist Marcel Schindler uploaded a stop-motion illustration of Ernest Hemingway's story "The Old Man and the Sea" to Vimeo on Saturday.

Staged on a white table and large white sheets of paper, the illustration takes us through the journey of "The Old Man and the Sea" through simple, black marker line drawings. The story is told from the old man's sailboat launch, to run-ins with beasts of the sea, all in the four minute video.

The illustration is neat, but is set to an oddly epic/postdub song. The only relation to the AWOLNATION track is the title, "Sail." Don't let the music distract from the super neat skill of Schindler's artistry and visual storytelling abilities, though.

Watch below for Marcel Schindler's "The Old Man and the Sea:"

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