Teenage Girls Want Phone Sex? Turn Me On, Dammit! Honestly Explores Teenage Sexuality

Foreign Film That Gets Real About Female Sexuality

A young blond girl with immaculate bone structure lies on the linoleum of her single mother's kitchen floor, a man's voice chirping from the phone piece next to her ear. Her name is Alma. Her eyes are closed, her mouth tight with the anticipation of ecstasy, her hands working furiously beneath the waistband of her cotton underwear. At the door, a black and white dog looks on, bashful and befuddled.

Norwegian filmmaker Jannicke Systed Jacobsen's Turn Me On, Dammit! has won awards, including best screenplay at Tribeca Film Festival. Cinephiles are gushing in celebration of what Jacobsen has brought to our viewing pleasure: an honest, raw, multidimensional portrayal of a 15-year-old girl's sexual complexity. "Because I’m horny," Alma yells, when her empathetic-but-mortified mother asks about a monstrous phone bill from a "service number." "Telephone sex, telephone sex, telephone sex!"

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