Larry David Talks His Parking Lot Meltdown On 'Conan' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Larry David's Parking Lot Meltdown

Back in March, a video of Larry David seemingly having a meltdown in a Los Angeles-area parking garage went viral after being posted by TMZ. In it, the comedian experiences a very "Curb Your Enthusiasm" moment and holds up traffic while trying to operate the mechanical arm at the lot's exit.

So Wednesday night, David stopped by "Conan" and took a couple of minutes to set the record straight. It seems the machine was cards-only, and he had been trying to feed it a $5 bill.

"I'm a terrible swiper," David joked. "I'm constantly holding up lines in supermarkets."

Watch the video above for the full story, and then head on over to Conan's site for the rest of the interview. (Attention singles: apparently he's into gold diggers!)

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