'The Californians': SNL Skit Parodies Our Obsession With Side Streets & Beating Traffic (VIDEO)

WATCH: SNL Parodies LA In 'The Californians' Skit

Saturday Night Live comedians put on their bleach blonde wigs and slathered on the self-tanning lotion for Saturday's daytime soap skit "The Californians," and we're not embarrassed to admit that the piece had us chuckling self-consciously.

Of course, not all Angelenos sound as if they had just come from a jaw-numbing session at the dentist, but we will admit to boasting about our genius side-street route and using Zankou Chicken restaurants as landmarks.

We'll also cop to to buying fruit from vendors on the roadside, making our own sun-dried tomatoes and showing off a secret guacamole recipe.

And, like all Angelenos, we absolutely loathe driving beyond our comfort zone, which means the Valley and the OC may as well be the ends of the earth. Host Josh Brolin as Dr. Greg said it best: "I tried to go through to Westwood, but my GPS put me on Beverly Glen and I didn't want to end up in ENCINO!"

CORRECTION: This story was updated with the correct video embed code. We regret the error.

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