Organ Made Of 20,000 Legos Plays Star Wars Theme (VIDEO)

Organ Made Of Legos Plays Star Wars Theme?!

We're just going to come out and say it: We found an organ made out of 20,000 Legos that plays the Star Wars theme song, which we first saw over at Wired.

Thanks to the genius vision of the German ad firm Serviceplan and "Lego professional" Rene Hoffmeister, you can hear John Williams' Star Wars theme song played by a hand-cranked organ made of Legos. The instrument itself is massive homage to Star War's most epic moments, just in time for the upcoming 3-D release (our personal favorite setting is the Endor forest).

The instrument is currently touring Germany as part of a promotion for the upcoming release of Star Wars: Episode One in 3-D. (Is it wrong that we are more excited about the organ than about the movie?) After its tour you can go visit the Lego masterpiece at LEGOLAND Deutschland in Günzburg, Germany.

What's the best thing you've made out of Legos? Let us know in the comments section below.

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