Michele Bachmann Downplays Swiss Citizenship

Bachmann Has Been A Swiss Citizen All Along

Michele Bachmann has been a Swiss citizen ever since 1978, she says now, following reports that she just recently exercised her eligibility for dual-citizenship.

“This is a non-story. I automatically became a dual citizen of the United States and Switzerland in 1978 when I married my husband, Marcus. Marcus is a dual American and Swiss citizen because he is the son of Swiss immigrants. As a family, we just recently updated our documents.

“I am proud of my husband, Marcus, the love of my life, and his Swiss heritage. Even though I have been a dual citizen since I was married in 1978, I have never exercised any rights of that citizenship. Rather, I have always pledged allegiance to our one nation under God, the United States of America. We live in the greatest nation humankind has ever known and I am proud to be an American.”

Even though Bachmann claims she has known she was a Swiss citizen for decades, she failed to disclose her dual citizenship during her presidential campaign.

“It wasn’t necessary to disclose, because she is an American citizen and always has been. She has a United States birth certificate and a United States passport,” Bachmann spokesperson Becky Rogness told Politico.

On Tuesday, Bachmann's office confirmed that she had just recently been granted dual citizenship.

"Congresswoman Bachmann's husband is of Swiss descent so she has been eligible for dual-citizenship since they got married in 1978," Rogness said in a statement. "However, recently some of their children wanted to exercise their eligibility for dual-citizenship so they went through the process as a family."

Below, a look back at some of Bachmann's most unforgettable and questionable remarks:

'I Haven't Had A Gaffe'

The Best Of Bachmann

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