Pippa Middleton Moving To New York? Or Is London Her True Home? This Calls For A Great Debate!

DEBATE: Should Pippa Really Move To New York? Our Experts Weigh In

New York, get ready -- here comes Pippa! Maybe.

Oh, you don't know who Pippa Middleton is? She's a pretty big deal in Britain. Paparazzi's like to photograph her and pundits like to pontificate over the size of her tush as compared with her sister, the future Queen of England, Kate Middleton.

But Pippa never wanted to be a royal, did she? An international sensation? She just wants to write party planning books called "Celebrate", for which Penguin paid her a $600,000 advance. See - she's just like us!

Earlier this month there was a report that suggested Pippa would be moving to New York. If she was previously considering moving to Paris, that whole gun-toting Playboy scandal might have turned her off a bit. So now she's looking to hop the pond and start anew (maybe she started watching "Girls" and said "It's like this show is about my life!"). Could New NYC be just the thing for this royal in-law? This almost-Queen? Or does she truly belong at home, among her people, tending to her royal sister in Britain? And where would she live if she came to New York? Would she hang out at Cabin? We've enlisted two veritable Pippa experts on both sides of the Ocean to tackle these very serious set of questions -- Jessica Misener, Huffpost's US Style Editor, and Felicity Morse, an editorial assistant for HuffPost UK.

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