HUFFPOST FUNDRACE -- Super PACs Concerned About Tone of Race

HUFFPOST FUNDRACE -- Super PACs Concerned About Tone of Race

Some much needed perspective from Philip Maddocks: "As Election Day draws nearer, hundreds of super PACs are expressing concern that the race for the presidency is dangerously close to degenerating into a competition of statesmanlike discourse and well-mannered campaigning that will put at risk the very ideals upon which this country and these new types of political action committees were founded. As Democrats and Republican leaders call on one another to focus on issues and not character assassination, super PACs say that voters in battle-ground states across the country are suddenly finding themselves facing the unpleasant possibility of having to watch political ads that play up the strengths of candidates rather than ones tearing them down into tiny shards of shame. 'This is a development that threatens to undermine the very fabric of our post-Citizens United democracy,' said a spokesman for Restore Our Future, a super PAC that supports presidential candidate Mitt Romney. 'If our wealthy funders are unable to hold the public’s attention with ads featuring hate-filled declarations with little basis in fact, what does that say about our commitment as a nation to the principle that money is the equivalent of free speech?'"

On the other hand, Jonathan Alter argues that super PACs will keep the race clean based on one advertisement cut by Larry McCarthy for Crossroads GPS. Nobody remembers that the most aired ad in 2004 wasn't the Swift Boat Vets attack ad, but a positive spot cut by Larry McCarthy for Progress for America. But we remember the election for its negativity. One positive ad doesn't make a trend and all data points show that super PACs and political non-profits run more negative ads than positive.

Mitt Romney continues to not disclose his bundlers providing journalists with something to write about on the Friday before Memorial Day.

Barack Obama is outraising Mitt Romney in contributions from members of the military, USA Today reports.

Most Americans think that campaign contributions benefit the rich, Reuters reports.

Every four years, before hurricane season begins, Florida is struck by another onslaught: presidential campaign ads. It has already begun.

Scott Walker has outspent Tom Barrett 3-1 on television ads in the Wisconsin recall election. It would be worth knowing the timeline of this disparity. Has Barrett closed the gap in the past week? Two weeks?


Help us populate our list of campaign videos. Send any notable TV, radio or web ads that you see to Fundrace. Send your submissions to

Committee: Republican National Committee
Spot: "Work Week Ever?"
Market: YouTube.
Buy: None. Just a web video.

Committee: Ted Cruz for Senate
Candidate Opposed: David Dewhurst
Spot: "Desperate Dewhurst's Amnesty Lies"
Market: Texas.
Buy: Undisclosed.

Committee: David Dewhurst for Senate
Candidate Opposed: Tom Leppert
Spot: "Tom Leppert: Like a Democrat"
Market: Texas.
Buy: Undisclosed.

Committee: Dan Llilenquist for Senate
Candidate Opposed: Orrin Hatch
Spot: "Record"
Market: Utah.
Buy: Undisclosed.

Committee: Joe Donnelly for Senate
Spot: "Joe Donnelly's Work for Hoosier Veterans"
Market: Indiana.
Buy: Undisclosed.

Committee: Scott Brown for Senate
Spot: "He's One Of Us"
Market: Massachusetts.
Buy: Undisclosed.

Committee: Mufi Hanneman for Congress
Spot: "Our Hawaii"
Market: Hawaii's 2nd District.
Buy: Undisclosed.

Committee: Tom Barrett for Governor
Candidate Opposed: Scott Walker
Spot: "Answers"
Market: Wisconsin.
Buy: Undisclosed.

Committee: Tom Barrett for Governor
Candidate Opposed: Scott Walker
Spot: "Walker Criminal Scandal Began As An Effort To Rip Off Vets"
Market: Wisconsin.
Buy: Undisclosed.

Committee: Tom Barrett for Governor
Spot: "Vote Barrett June 5th"
Market: Wisconsin.
Buy: Undisclosed.

Committee: Scott Walker for Governor
Candidate Opposed: Tom Barrett
Spot: "Cooking the Books"
Market: Wisconsin.
Buy: Undisclosed.


These numbers represent spending by independent groups, like super PACs and non-profits, to support or oppose a particular candidate in 2012. Fundrace will update this spending daily to help show which candidates are gaining from the proliferation of independent groups in this coming election.

Presidential Race:
Mitt Romney (R), $7,327,516 to support, $12,450,377 to oppose. (Oppose: +$67,660)
Barack Obama (D), $491,730 to support, $1,373,247 to oppose. (Oppose: +$82,149)

Most Outside Spending for Congressional Candidates:
TX-Senate: Ted Cruz (R), $824,036 to support, $1,991,841 to oppose. (+Support: $2,790)
TX-Senate: David Dewhurst (R), $363,000 to support, $2,381,657 to oppose. (Oppose: +$124,589)
IN-Senate: Richard Mourdock (R), $1,423,990 to support, $633,609 to oppose. (Support: +$2,003)
IN-Senate: Dick Lugar (R), $208,628 to support, $1,671,841 to oppose.
OR-01: Rob Cornilles (R), $98,051 to support, $1,219,148 to oppose.


Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama, $684 to oppose Barack Obama for President.
Senate Conservatives Fund, $2,579 to support Ted Cruz for Senate in Texas.
Friends United PAC, $23,561 to oppose Taj Clayton for Congress in Texas' 30th District.
Club for Growth PAC, $181 to oppose Tommy Thompson for Senate in Wisconsin.
Club for Growth PAC, $16,416 to support Mark Neumann for Senate in Wisconsin.
Texas Conservatives Fund, $260,000 to oppose Ted Cruz for Senate in Texas.
National Rifle Association of America Political Victory Fund, $8,065 to oppose Barack Obama for President.
National Republican Congressional Committee, $67,011 to oppose Ron Barber for Congress in Arizona's 8th District.
iCPurple, $21,250 to support Linda Parks for Congress in California's 26th District.
Club for Growth PAC, $4,105 to support Kevin Cramer for Congress in North Dakota's At Large District.
League of Conservation Voters, $3,882 to support Jon Tester for Senate in Montana. Political Fund, $3,523 to oppose Mitt Romney for President.
Progressive Kick Independent Expenditures, $1,000 to oppose Scott Peters for Congress in California's 52nd District.
Club for Growth PAC, $124,590 to oppose David Dewhurst for Senate in Texas.
Progressive Kick Independent Expenditures, $1,000 to oppose Michelle Lujan Grisham for Congress in New Mexico's 1st District.
Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama, $23,400 to oppose Barack Obama for President.
Conservative Renewal, $130,000 to oppose Tom Leppert for Senate in Texas.
Women Vote!, $21,305 to support Michelle Lujan Grisham for Congress in New Mexico's 1st District.
National Association of Realtors Congressional Fund, $8,263 to support Gary Miller for Congress in California's 31st District.
National Association of Realtors Congressional Fund, $85,025 to support Gary Miller for Congress in California's 31st District.
Life And Liberty PAC, $50,000 to oppose Barack Obama for President.
Campaign for Primary Accountability, $1,500 to oppose Ralph Hall for Congress in Texas' 4th District.
DGA Action, $10,000 to oppose Mitt Romney for President.
PAC Plus, $28,700 to oppose Mitt Romney for President in Arizona.
Priorities USA Action, $25,437 to oppose Mitt Romney for President.
Friends United PAC, $16,508 to oppose Taj Clayton for Congress in Texas' 30th District.
FreedomWorks for America, $1,635 to support Ted Cruz for Senate in Texas.


The Right Group, Atlanta, Ga., Treasurer: Vivian Dubose. (Super PAC)
Libertarian Victory Committee, Jacksonville, Fla., Treasurer: Austin Cassidy. (Super PAC)
America is Great PAC, Reston, Va., Treasurer: Paul S. Boardman. (Super PAC)

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