One Million Moms Condemns DC Comics And Marvel Superheroes For Gay Characters

Anti-Gay Group Slams Gay Comic Book Superheroes

There's seemingly no end to One Million Moms' anti-gay wrath, as the notoriously right-wing group is now condemning both DC Comics and Marvel Superheroes for introducing gay characters into their phenomenally popular comic book titles.

"Children desire to be just like superheroes," members of the "online activism campaign," which is a division of the American Family Association, write on their website. "Children mimic superhero actions and even dress up in costumes to resemble these characters as much as possible. Can you imagine little boys saying, 'I want a boyfriend or husband like X-Men?'"

They continue:

"Unfortunately, children are now being exposed to homosexuality at an early age. Comic books would be one of the last places a parent would expect their child to be confronted with homosexual topics that are too complicated for them to understand. Children do not know what straight, homosexual, or coming out of the closet even means, but DC Comics and Marvel are using superheroes to confuse them on this topic to raise questions and awareness of an alternative lifestyle choice. These companies are prompting a premature discussion on sexual orientation."

The post then concludes with a call to supporters, asking them to send "an email urging them to change and cancel all plans of homosexual superhero characters immediately."

Earlier this month, Marvel Comics announced that its first openly gay hero, super speedster Northstar, would tie the knot with his longtime boyfriend in an issue of "Astonishing X-Men," due out June 20.

That news followed a similar announcement made by DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio, who told attendees at the Kapow Comic Convention in London that an "established" superhero, originally introduced as straight, would come out in a future issue.

This latest tirade comes just months after One Million Moms members threatened to boycott JCPenney, after the retail group hired Ellen DeGeneres, who is openly gay, as its spokeswoman. Following the DeGeneres debacle, One Million Moms slammed Urban Outfitters last month for a photo of a same-sex kiss which appeared in its catalog, and also condemned Toys 'R' Us for carrying a controversial January issue of Archie Comics, which depicted a gay interracial wedding between two active military officers.

Members of the group blasted JCPenney yet again this month, after the Texas-based chain included a presumably lesbian couple as models in its Mother's Day shopping catalog.

Take a look at several other gay-related protests against retail outlets and other businesses below:

LGBT Related Boycotts 2012

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