What Does It Look Like When You Apply Every Instagram Filter At Once?

PHOTOS: Instagram Like You've Never Used It Before (And Probably Never Will)

A huge part of what makes Instagram so popular (it had more than 40 million users as of last month) are its easy-to-use filters, which allow any ol' picture-snapper to turn their regular photos into unique creations.

But what happens when you apply several of Instagram's 17 different filters to one of your photos? And what if you go all out and apply every single one to the same photo?

One writer at Belgian blog Applelogen decided to try this out on a simple picture of a path lined with trees. After uploading a picture, using a filter, reloading the edited picture, refiltering it with a different filter and so on, the writer came up with a pretty interesting end result. The original photo is nearly unrecognizable after going through each of the app's 17 filters -- one on top of the next.

We thought this experiment was pretty cool, so we decided to try it out on our own. Flip through the slideshow below to see how our photo changed filter by filter, then tell us: Do you think the end result could be considered art? Share your thoughts in the comments, but before you do, check out 19 talented Instagrammers we suggest you follow!

[Hat Tip: The Next Web]


Instagram, Filter On Filter

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