John Boehner: Scott Walker Win Shows That Americans 'Have Had It With Big Government'

John Boehner: Scott Walker Win Shows That Americans 'Have Had It With Big Government'

WASHINGTON -- Scott Walker's victory in the Wisconsin gubernatorial recall effort is proof that people around the country want less government in their lives, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Wednesday.

Walker's victory shows that "the American people have had it with big government," Boehner told reporters. People are tired of "high taxes and a regulatory system that knows no bounds. And they want elected officials to take control of the situation so American job creators can go back to doing what they do best: creating jobs."

Walker, who has embraced fiscal conservatism as a solution to the recession, defeated Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) in Tuesday's recall effort. Republicans are already casting Walker as a conservative hero for pulling off the win in a state known for its progressive leanings.

"I think Wisconsin's election shows that when you listen to the people of your jurisdiction, or in the case of Governor Walker, when you listen to the people of Wisconsin and you follow their will, they're going to stand behind you," Boehner said.

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