GSAs: 10 Inspiring High School Gay-Straight Alliances

10 Inspiring High School Gay-Straight Alliances

LGBT teens are twice as likely as straight teens to report incidences of physical assault at school, according to a recent survey of more than 10,000 LGBT youth by the Human Rights Campaign, and a shocking 92 percent of LGBT teens say they hear negative messages about their sexuality at school. However, HRC officials also note that "these youth are quite resilient. They find safe havens among their peers, online and in their schools."

This is why high school Gay-Straight Alliance clubs, typically created and run by students, are important and supportive spaces in so many local communities. In honor of Pride Month, we're showcasing 10 of the most inspiring high school GSAs in the country.

From one student leader who stood up to a presidential candidate, to another who gathered 55,000 signatures on a petition, to a small group who took their cause global, these teens actively work to promote acceptance and make their schools safer every day. Check out the slideshow below to be inspired by the work of these young equal-rights activists.

Does your community have an amazing GSA? Tell us in the comments below or share your story by tweeting @HuffPostTeen.

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