Romero Britto Fights Graffiti With More Graffiti (VIDEO)

WATCH: Britto Fights Graffiti With More Graffiti

If any other Wynwood mural had been graffiti bombed with giant letters spelling 'C DOG,' the local arts community would be enraged.

But when it happened to the happy flower mural outside Romero Britto's new Wynwood studio, many Miamians think it well deserved.

For years, Britto's aesthetic has been shorthand for Miami's public arts image. His bright geometric sculptures have been commissioned on nearly every single street corner displacing the rest of Miami's fruitful and diverse cache of local artists.

An extensive Miami New Times report ("For Romero Britto, Luck and Charm Trump Talent") also exposed that not only is Britto's work painted by a staff of assistants, the artist barely pays them a living wage.

yo miami britto

So when Yo Miami posted a photo of the C Dog tag from this weekend, commenters sided with the graffiti tagger:

Britto's corny, formulaic sh*t is everywhere in Miami. I mean there are so many talented artists out there who deserve a chance at livening up the city's dead space. Props to CDOG for this shot across the bow.


Thats what he gets for covering the murals that were done during Basel

But C Dog's anti-Britto message was short-lived. The artist recently covered up the tag with a discordant collage of Britto-esque shapes and affirmations. "I love you all," the wall now reads.

Although Britto told WSVN that nothing like this has ever happened to him before, the artist is blocking out a whole series of planned and real vandalism of his public sculptures.

This time last year, his beach ball in Miami Shores was tagged with "Not Art," "Meaningless bliss," and "error."

Before that, a clique of Britto critics had planned to vomit-bomb the artist's sculptures by ingesting sour milk that had been dyed primary colors to match Britto's palette.

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