The Real Story Behind That Ryan Gosling Look-A-Like Flyer

The Story Behind The Ryan Gosling Flyer

Last night, I had the pleasure of chatting on the phone with CC, the woman who posted a flyer looking for Ryan Gosling or a Gosling lookalike to replace the boyfriend she just lost. (FYI, contrary to my initial belief, there is only one flyer and it's hanging inside the window of CC's store in Brooklyn.) Initially, I thought the flyer was funny and cheeky and, quite frankly, something I should have thought of ages ago. But as I discovered from talking with CC, the real backstory is far more heartbreaking and sweet than your average viral celeb-related meme.

A few weeks ago, CC's longtime boyfriend basically ghosted her. After she hadn't heard from him for awhile, she called him to find out what was going on, and he told her that there relationship was over, without further explanation. She was understandably devastated, and in an effort to cheer her up, her brother made the "lost and found"-esque flyer for her as joke.

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