Valery Chaliy, Russian Sculptor, Creates Giant Mosquito Out Of Scrap Metal, Car Parts (PHOTOS)

Russian Artist Makes Giant Mosquito Out Of Scrap Metal

In western Siberia, art sucks you!

While it's no Robosaurus, this sculpture by Russian artist Valery Chaliy is probably about as close as Siberia is going to get to its own monster truck rally.

According to Laughing Squid, the mosquito sculpture located in Noyabrsk, Russia, is made of scrap metal and vehicle parts, and adorns the lawn of a facility owned by the Russian oil company Gazprom.


While a giant blood-sucking mosquito made of car parts on gas company property may sound like a bit of wry, anti-establishment humor, Chaliy told Gizmowatch that he was inspired by the "millions of mosquitos inhabiting the neighboring swamps."

The town of Noyabrsk, located in the oil fields of western Siberia, is home to operations of two large Russian oil and gas production companies. The town was founded as a work settlement in the late 1970s, and its economy still relies heavily on the energy industry.

The mosquito sculpture was located by a team looking to establish an eco-tourism route through the region in 2007.


Mosquito Sculpture

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