Kim Kardashian Reveals She Went On Birth Control At 14 On 'Oprah's Next Chapter' (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian Tells Oprah She Went On Birth Control At Age 14

It's hard to imagine there are any secrets left in the Kardashian closet, but Oprah Winfrey managed to wind her way to a juicy detail about Kim Kardashian's early life on "Oprah's Next Chapter" (Sun., 8 p.m. ET on OWN). She sat down with the Kardashians, and covered most of the drama that took place both in the tabloids and across the family of Kardashian reality shows on E!

Oprah asked her questions very gingerly, respectfully and delicately, giving Kim every chance to not answer. But Kim had no problem opening up about a very candid conversation she had with her mother when she was a very young girl.

When Kim was 14-years old, she'd been seeing the same guy for two years. She'd decided that she was ready to have sex with him, and rather than go behind her parents' backs, she talked with her mother about it.

Kris Jenner took the conversation in stride and didn't shut down the notion. In fact, she promptly decided to put Kim on birth control.

The conversation continues next week, when Winfrey asks about Kanye West, on "Oprah's Next Chapter," Sunday at 8 p.m. ET on OWN.

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