First Day Of Summer 2012: 5 Eco-Friendly Ways To Celebrate The Solstice

5 Earth-Friendly Ways To Celebrate The Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is the longest day of the entire year, the day that offers the very most light, and thus the shortest night. Summer solstice also marks the first official day of summer, and in the norther hemisphere, this year, it falls on June 20, at 7:09 PM (according to The Old Farmer's Almanac).

The brightest day of the year is recognized all across the world. For as long as there have been people organizing themselves into cultures, for almost every region and religion, there is a solstice celebration. And now, in this modern world, in the middle of your local concrete jungle and in the center of your busy life, you can take a moment to honor the changing of the seasons in a way which says “I love you, Earth!” You could . . .

List and captions courtesy of Networx

1. Ride Your Bike To The Farmers Market

5 Earth-Friendly Ways To Celebrate The Summer Solstice

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