'Overly Attached Girlfriend' Gives 'Call Me Maybe' A Special Twist (VIDEO)

WATCH: 'Overly Attached Girlfriend' Takes On 'Call Me Maybe'

She's baaack, and this time, "Overly Protective Girlfriend" is expressing her concerns to the tune of -- you guessed it -- Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe."

The young woman who previously haunted our dreams with her overeager adaptation of Justin Beiber's "Boyfriend" has once again rocketed to YouTube fame with a remix to the ever-popular lyrics that just. won't. die.

Her latest video has received nearly 2 million views since first being uploaded to YouTube on June 18, and it has also been featured on BuzzFeed and Reddit.

Although homegirl's not entirely great at filtering her stalkerish thoughts, we'll give her this: She's got the right idea when it comes to creating a viral video.

After all, how many clips feature entirely predictable covers of "Call Me Maybe?" About a million. And how many feature a wide-eyed girl singing original lyrics about her boyfriend's every move? Yeah, that's right.

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