Ducklings Deliver Mail To Minnesota Nursing Home With Mailman Steve Score (VIDEO)

WATCH: It's Quackers! Ducklings Deliver Mail To Nursing Home

When volunteer mailman Steve Score makes his rounds at a Minnesota nursing home, it's often a quacking good time -- thanks to the trio of little ducklings who waddle along behind him.

“I call them Peeper and the Pipettes,” Score said of his three feathered friends.

According to a report by CNN, Peeper and her companion -- who tag along with Score once every couple of weeks -- have become a familiar sight to the residents and staff at Emmanuel Nursing Home in Detroit Lakes.

“There’s those cutie pies,” resident Irene Johnson exclaimed as Score stopped to drop off her mail earlier this month. “They’re just so cute!”

Score, 53, told DL-Online that he bought the three ducklings when they were still small enough to fit in one of his hands. Since he got them so young, he said his fuzzy pets now think of him as their mom.

“They follow you around wherever you go,” he said.

Indeed, in this video, which was featured on CBS Minnesota, watch as the little ducklings waddle faithfully behind Score, merrily peeping all the way.

Score, who delivers mail to the nursing home five days a week, said the ducklings have added something special to his routine.

"We can take our time delivering the mail. A lot of the residents like to pick them up, sit them in their laps and pet them," he told DL-Online. "Everybody just loves ‘em. It’s good therapy for [the residents]. And they’re pretty mellow ducks. They really do love the attention.”

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