Ad of the Day: Gatorade Forty Years After Title IX, The Sports Drink Urges Teen Girls To Keep Playing

Why This Ad Is Encouraging Women To Stick With Sports

Forty years ago, the anti-discrimination amendment known as Title IX changed the way that girls participate in high school and college athletics. Since then, the number of girls who play high school sports has soared from about 300,000 to nearly 3 million.

Still, there's a major division of the sexes when it comes to sticking with sports through high school. According to Gatorade and the Women's Sports Foundation, although boys and girls participate equally between the ages of 6 and 12, girls by age 14 drop out of athletics at twice the rate of their male counterparts. And with all the pressure on teenagers to worry about boys, makeup and body image, it's no surprise that their attention wanders elsewhere.

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