High School Internships: 5 Life-Changing Programs For Teens

5 Once-In-A-Lifetime High School Internships

At "Facebook Academy," high school interns are offered smoothies, bagels and shots of wheatgrass in the morning when they arrive at the Facebook campus in Silicon Valley, ready to start their day. From there, the students pair off with their mentors and learn about what it's really like to work in the tech industry. For four weeks of the summer, these interns will learn important tech and business skills -- and give their future careers an amazing jump-start.

With its first-ever high school internship program, Facebook is following in the footsteps of a number of other elite institutions offering summer internships to qualified high school students. Are you an art aficianado? Apply for a Painting & Sculpture Internship at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. History buff? Consider a world-class program at the Smithsonian Institute. Or if you think want to start changing the world, look into the various internships offered with different departments of the United Nations.

Have you ever done a summer internship? What would be your dream internship? Tell us in the comments below or tweet @HuffPostTeen!

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5 Awesome High School Internships

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