Product Placement In Movies & TV: From Subway To Bing To ... Subway (VIDEOS)

WATCH: Our Favorite Product Placement Moments

Most fans of James Bond films can tell you that 007 prefers a vodka martini. Fewer fans could tell you that the Bond seen on film -- and not the Bond in Ian Fleming's novels -- prefers a Smirnoff martini. And fewer still are the number of fans who can recount scenes in which the Smirnoff bottle appears onscreen.

But it does appear. This is an effective product placement: One that associates a brand and an experience with a character's very essence. To drink a vodka martini is to be impossibly dashing and daring, Smirnoff would have the viewer believe. So dapper, in fact, that many a young man and woman was probably shocked upon tasting a first vodka martini: a brutal, overwhelmingly alcoholic beverage that many would never order again. (Cheers to them, perhaps, because Daniel Craig's Bond is trading in that martini for a more accessible Heineken in "Skyfall.")

Not all product placements are as smooth. And though perhaps the examples in this article suffer from poor context (there is, after all, only one James Bond), some of these integrated marketing efforts are so garish they would defy belief if not handily reproduced in YouTube videos.

Inspired by a bout of bad ad work in "The Amazing Spider-Man" (turns out super nerd Peter Parker uses Bing!), HuffPost Entertainment culled a few of our favorite product placements from movies and television for your morose delectation. Take a look at the gallery below to see some of bad (why is Subway in every sitcom?) and wonderful ("30 Rock" and "Arrested Development" are masters at winking at the absurdity of the very idea of product placement) attempts at getting you to buy things.

One quick note: This gallery is in no way meant to be exhaustive. Let us know which moments in product placement history were your favorites in the comments section, or by tweeting at us (@HuffPostEnt).

Product Placement ... Brought To You By HuffPost

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