Tamale Lady Finder App Helps San Franciscans Track Down Snacks

Introducing The Best App In The Universe

Gainify. Beatz. We've seen some pretty innovative ideas come out of San Francisco hackathons over the years.

But none may be quite so useful as the Tamale Lady Finder, launching soon.

According to Mission Local, San Francisco developer Win Raguini created an app to track the famed Virginia Ramos, better known as the Tamale Lady, who travels from bar to bar serving hot, stomach-warming tamales on cold San Francisco nights.

Raguini reportedly created the app after a heartbreakingly fruitless search for tamales on a hungry night on the town.

"I wanted tamales, but I couldn't find her," he told Mission Local. "I was sure someone was with her and could tell me where."

So at the App Olympics hackathon on Saturday, Raguini completed his plan, won the $500 prize and submitted his app.

"Now I'm just waiting for Apple to approve it," he told The Huffington Post.

Tamale Lady Finder synchs a user-updated twitter feed (@tamaleladyshere) with Google Maps and Yelp to create a live map of the beloved lady's whereabouts.

Users tweet at the account whenever the lady is spotted (at Tempest, at Off The Grid, at Hemlock on the 4th of July - ack, we were at Lush! So close!) and the map automatically updates accordingly, showing you exactly when she's nearby.

We'll never go hungry again.

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