HUFFPOST HILL - If At First You Don't Repeal...

HUFFPOST HILL - If At First You Don't Repeal...

Mitt Romney's speech to the NAACP was so cringe-inducing it's possible it was a bit for Betty White's "Off Their Rockers." Romney's campaign demanded that a production company called "Snob" conceal its name during an event, meaning Car Elevator Political Sign Co. probably won't get all that free publicity it was gunning for. And the House voted again to repeal the Affordable Care Act, raising concerns that -- ah forget it. Here's a .gif of Mitt Romney waving around a $20 bill. This is HUFFPOST HILL for Wednesday, July 11th, 2012,:

@JesseRodriguez: NBC's Andrea Mitchell: Rep Jesse Jackson Jr is in a rehab facility in AZ suffering from alcoholism and addiction

HOUSE VOTES TO REPEAL OBAMACARE... AGAIN - At this rate, we're more intrigued by the time BETWEEN the votes. Maybe it's some kind of sequence of prime numbers that will help us construct a trans-galactic spacecraft, Contact-style? No? That's not it? It's just a weak publicity stunt? Oh. ABC News: "The House of Representatives voted today to repeal the Affordable Care Act. It was the 33rd time Republicans have voted to chip away at, defund, or repeal the health care law. Democrats called the move a political charade since the repeal law has no chance of becoming law this year. But leading into the Supreme Court's health care decision on June 28, Speaker Boehner vowed to repeal anything that the justices left standing. 'We've made it pretty clear and I'll make it clear one more time: If the court does not strike down the entire law, the House will move to repeal what's left of it,' Boehner, R-Ohio, pledged the day before the ruling. 'Obamacare is driving up the cost of health care and making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers.'" [ABC News]

Dan Boren, Larry Kissell, Jim Matheson, Mike McIntyre and Mike Ross were the Dems who voted for repeal.

@arimelber: So now about one out of every 14 votes in this session of Congress has been to re-repeal the health care law. (461 total votes.)

LIEBERMAN OPPOSES OBAMA TAX PLAN - Politico: "The Connecticut independent has just decided he will vote against the plan, saying it's 'not what we need now,' especially since it stands virtually no chance of becoming law before November. 'It's not that I don't think we ought to raise taxes on people that make more money,' Lieberman told POLITICO. 'To me, we ought to be focused on achieving a bipartisan, long-term debt elimination agreement. And that tax reform and tax increases would be part of it. I don't want to pick it off piece by piece.' While the moderate Lieberman's opposition is by no means a surprise, it could complicate Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's efforts to ensure there are 51 votes for the president's plan." [Politico]

Jim Clyburn to Mike McAuliff on Mitt Romney's financial transparency: "He ought to follow his daddy's lead when it comes to revealing his taxes."

A VICTORY FOR 'OBAMACARE' - Running tomorrow in Roll Call from Emma Dumain: "House Members still can't say 'Merry Christmas' in franked mail, but 'Obamacare' is now OK -- with a catch. Last fall, lawmakers sparred over whether they could use the term to describe the 2010 health care law in official mass communications. Democrats said using the term -- considered a pejorative by many even though President Barack Obama has embraced it -- was a breach of the rule that violates use of franking privileges for 'personal, partisan or political reasons.' Now, however, Members can use the unofficial moniker for the Affordable Care Act in taxpayer-financed mailings, but only if it's in the context of title of the bill the House passed Wednesday. That measure includes the following as its Section 1: "This Act may be cited as the 'Repeal of Obamacare Act.' There is an established [Franking] Commission precedent that allows for Members to reference the titles of legislation in mass communications,' said Steve Dutton, communications director for Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Ill.), who is chairman of the commission. "

HuffPost Hiccup: Yesterday we linked to video of Nancy Pelosi dancing at Barney Frank's wedding. We said she was dancing to "It's Raining Men" but had we actually turned up the volume, we would've realized it was ZZ Top's "Sharp Dressed Man." Moving on, then...

Pelosi provided details about her rug-cutting today during a conversation with reporters: "The music started the minute you walked out the door," she said. "So they said I was dancing, 'into the night.' It was like the first dance! I was having trouble keeping my shoes on because you know how you're like standing around and this man pulls you over." Amanda Terkel asked about the music. "It was a... medley of different songs. Anyway, it was a lovely wedding. It was wonderful to be there." There you have it!


DAILY DELANEY DOWNER - Laid off Las Vegas bartender Bud Meyers (and recurring DDD contributor) is annoyed that Bill O'Reilly's claim that people are leaving their jobs to go on Social Security disability. "I was laid off in October 2008. My unemployment benefits ran out in June 2010. My savings ran out by January 2011 (when I filed for disability). It's now July 2012. I've already received the 'mandatory' two written rejections on my disability claim from the Social Security office and I'm still waiting for a hearing.... So far I'm 3 years and 8 months out of work, 2 years with no income at all, and 1 and 1/2 years into a disability claim that may or may not be eventually approved... People 'left' their jobs to take a chance of going on the government dole for half their previous salary with no income in between? I don't think so! Multi-millionaires like Bill O'Reilly have no clue at all." [Hang in there!]

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OBAMA TAX BILL STALLS IN SENATE - The Hill: "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday rejected a Republican request to vote on President Obama's income tax plan amid defections within his caucus on tax policy... Reid was responding to a request by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to vote on Obama's tax plan, which would extend the Bush tax rates for families earning less than $250,000, alongside a Republican proposal to extend the 2001 and 2003 tax rates for one year... Senate Democratic leaders are worried about potential defections within their caucus on taxes. At least seven Democratic senators have declined to rule out supporting a temporary extension of the Bush-era income tax rates." [The Hill]

Chris Christie's office tallies various milestones in the governor's term thus far. "YouTube Video Views: 5 Million; Letters Received: 421,389; David Letterman Fat Jokes: 327,832" [Chris Christie]

@GovChristie: .@mikememoli It's not an exact #. We're just trying to be funny, which is a lot more than I can say for @Late_Show lately.

CREW FILES COMPLAINT AGAINST ISSA - Roll Call: "The government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington today asked the Justice Department and an independent ethics office to examine whether Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) broke any laws or House rules when he disclosed the contents of a sealed wiretap application in the Congressional Record... The two CREW requests, which were lodged in the form of letters to Holder and the Office of Congressional Ethics, suggests that though there is a Constitutional clause that largely protects lawmakers from prosecution for their official actions, there are other applicable laws and House rules that the two bodies could use to target Issa." [Roll Call]

PARANOID SELF-LOATHING GOP LOBBYIST UNHAPPY WITH CREW - Our favorite PSLGOPL feels Rep. Shelley Berkley's ethics investigation has received insufficient CREW attention. "I think I missed the CREW press release on the Berkley investigation," he wrote, between swigs of Pepto-Bismol. Informed that CREW had previously given Berkley a "dishonorable mention" in its "Most Corrupt" list, PSLGOPL said, "I am looking forward to her next downgrade." May you someday succeed in your midnight struggle against corruption, PSLGOPL!

MITT ROMNEY'S NAACP SPEECH WILDLY SUCCESSFUL - That is, he didn't wrap his arms around several young African-American women and nervously quip, "Who let the dogs out? Hoot...hoot," so it was a step up. Elise Foley: "Mitt Romney was booed Wednesday at the NAACP conference for promising to repeal the president's signature health care reform law, bringing him to an awkward halt in the middle of an otherwise civilly-received pitch for black voters. It was an awkward moment that forced him to go off script, after giving a somewhat pained smile as the booing continued. 'I'm going to eliminate every non-essential, expensive program I can find, that includes Obamacare, and I'm going to work to reform and save --' Romney said before being interrupted for about 15 seconds." There were moments of applause, but they weren't super enthusiastic -- think "middle school assembly after it's been announced that the janitor is retiring." [HuffPost]

Almost as bad as being caught wearing a hat: "Snob Productions in Grand Junction has worked numerous political events in the region for years. But former Gov. Mitt Romney's town hall event Tuesday was the first time a candidate's campaign had asked owner David Wall to shield his company's logo from public view. As a result, logos on the company's trucks were masked and company workers wore something other than their company-issued T-shirts... While Wall wasn't directly told why the company was asked to cover its name, he suspected it might have been either because the campaign doesn't want to appear to be endorsing any company or because of criticism Romney has received for being wealthy, having numerous homes and riding dressage horses." [Daily Sentinel]

ROMNEY ADORABLY TRIES TO GET HISPANICS TO VOTE FOR HIM - The campaign is launching "Juntos Con Romney," a website and outreach effort aimed at drumming up Hispanic support. "I want to tell you who my father is, Mitt Romney," Craig Romney says in Spanish a 30-second ad released to announce the initiative. "He is a man of great convictions. He's been married for over 40 years to my mom. Together they have five sons and 18 grandchildren. He loves our country greatly." Though likely unintentional, the lighting is very "OJ TIME"-ish, giving Craig a slightly bronze patina...hmmmmmmm?!?! Elise Foley: "The ad will air in target markets across the country, likely swing states with significant Latino populations...Craig, the youngest of the five Romney sons, has served as a surrogate to Spanish-speakers. He is fluent in Spanish after serving as a Mormon missionary in Chile, and he has filmed other spots for the campaign in the language. After talking up his dad's devotion to their family, Craig concludes by alluding to Mitt Romney's business success." Play through to the end when you get to hear Mitt Romney say something in Spanish. [HuffPost]

Mitt Romney hipster shirts exist. Hey, if cardigans, fantasy literature and folk music are all now cool, what's to say that Mitt can't be en vogue? National Journal: "Introducing the Romney vintage collection, inspired by Mitt Romney's father, George, and his 1968 presidential campaign... The collection features tote bags, throwback buttons and three-quarter sleeve henley shirts. The Barack Obama campaign doesn't appear to have a vintage collection of its own. Instead, the Obama store has a 'classic' line, with the same items sold during his first presidential run and are as vintage-looking as 2008." [National Journal]

BECAUSE YOU'VE READ THIS FAR - Happy hump day. TheseSiberian tiger cubs don't have hump days.

NO PLANS TO LEAVE - HuffPost DC: "D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray said he had no intention of leaving office early, a day after a public relations consultant pleaded guilty for helping illegally steer more than $650,000 to benefit Gray's 2010 mayoral campaign. [HuffPost]


- This video explains how to make a homemade Big Mac. The parts are harmless enough but the whole is disgusting. It's like caloric alchemy. []

- Your heart will be so warmed by this collection of dogs greeting their long-absent military owners you'll be able to cook an egg on your .... ew. []

- Adorable child sings Adele's "Someone Like You." []

- How many times would you hit a red button for a free box of crackers? []

- The human kaleidoscope will be enjoyed by fans of complex choreography, drugs. []

- Sure, this guy could've done something more constructive with this time than master "Game of Thrones" impressions but we're glad he didn't. []

- This is the first photo ever uploaded to the internet. []


@greenfield64: After Romney says he'd help "people of any color", Papa Smurf endorses.

@stefanjbecket: I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right TO TWEET IN ALL CAPS IF IT'S IMPORTANT.

@StevenTDennis: En route WH, Harry Reid jokes he lit me up because I'm the reporter who most looks like a clown



6:30 pm - 7:30 pm: Reclaim America PAC, which seeks to reacquire America from the person who snatched it away and stuffed it in their breast pocket, hosts a fundraising reception with the boy wonder himself, Marco Rubio. [21st Century Townhouse, 434 New Jersey Ave SE]

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm: Tommy Thompson, one of the few politicians able to make Herb Kohl seem interesting, continues his quest for Kohl's Senate seat with a D.C. fundraiser. [Gray residence, NW]


6:30 pm: Mitch McConnell gets his fundraising in for his 2014 reelection because all of Comrade Obama's second term diktats will no doubt limit his ability to raise money. [R.B. Murphy and Associates, 220 E Street NE]

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