Neil Gaiman's Next Children's Books Announced

New Neil Gaiman Children's Books Announced

Neil Gaiman's next childrens books have been announced, and it includes some typically offbeat titles.

According to industry bible Publishers Weekly, HarperCollins will publish three novels and two pictures books by the cult author. The picture books will star a panda with a flying helmet and a giant sneeze called Chu, the first of which, punningly titled "Chu's Day", will be released on January 8th 2013.

The books' illustrator, Adam Rex, unveiled the book's cover last month on his blog.

The other titles include a sequel to the 2008 book "Odd and the Frost Giants", which was based on Norse mythology, and "Fortunately, The Milk," a middle-grade book that Gaiman described on his blog as "very silly" as he typed it up in September 2011.

At the time, he said that regular collaborator Dave McKean would do the illustrations; in the end, Skottie Young, who illustrated the beautiful Marvel Comics retelling of "The Wizard of Oz", will be applying his ink to the tale.

Gaiman has had more than ten children's books published so far, and the world of children's stories and fairy tales remains fertile territory for his imagination. See the video below to see him reading his poem "Instructions", about what to do if you find yourself in a fairy tale.

What children's story would you like to see Neil Gaiman write?

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