US-2012 President: 44% Romney (R), 43% Obama (D) (YouGov 7/2-7/9)

US-2012 President: 44% Romney (R), 43% Obama (D) (YouGov 7/2-7/9)

YouGov/The Economist

7/2/12-7/9/12: 1,000 adults, 4.2% margin of error
743 registered voters
Mode: Internet
YouGov release


State of the Country
27% Right direction, 57% Wrong track (chart)

Favorable / Unfavorable
Barack Obama: 45 / 50 (chart)
Mitt Romney: 40 / 49 (chart)

Obama Job Approval
43% approve, 51% disapprove (chart)
Economy: 33/57 (chart)
Health care: 39/52 (chart)

Congressional Job Approval
8% Approve, 67% Disapprove (chart)

2012 President
44% Romney (R), 43% Obama (D) (chart)

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