Haunted San Francisco: The Bay Area's Nine Spookiest Locations (PHOTOS)

SPOOKY SF: The Nine Most Haunted Locations By The Bay

For more than four decades, the memory of the Zodiac Killer has haunted the Bay Area. July marks the 42nd anniversary of the beginning of his frightening correspondence with The San Francisco Chronicle.

The serial killer's identity remains unknown to this day, and his legend endures as one of the scariest instances in San Francisco history.

To this day, the locations where the Zodiac killings occurred and the murderer's rumored hideout on Lake Herman Road have become the stuff of lore around the Bay Area, where only the bravest dare to go.


So it's fitting that a list of the Bay Area's most haunted locations recently surfaced on Reddit. Lake Herman Road ranked high on the list, of course.

But the most popular (and spookiest) spot has nothing to do with the Zodiac Killer.

Curious? Scared A little of both? Click through the slideshow below to see what Bay Area natives consider the area's nine most haunted spots:

Haunted Spots, Bay Area

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