V Motion Project: The Future Of Dance Music? (VIDEO)

Is This What Future Of Dance Music Will Look Like?

A collection of artists and tech types the world over have been experimenting with the multi-faceted camera used in the XBox Kinect -- a motion capturing technology usually meant for video games -- and putting it to use in interesting ways.

Perhaps the most ambitious project comes from the folks at Assembly, a collective of self-labeled "aesthetic thinkers" who work primarily to create high-end commercial products and demonstrations. They've put together the "V Motion Project," combining dance, computer programming, design, music and animation in a pretty unique way.

The project uses many of the Kinect's most remarkable effects in real time, with live music and animations projected onto a futuristic big-screen, for a virtual reality explosion of green-ness all within the confines of a big warehouse.

Hard to describe. Just watch:

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