Jasmine Villegas' Graphic New Video Depicts Singer's Battle With Domestic Violence (VIDEO)

Singer Opens Up About Battle With Domestic Violence (VIDEO)

In her latest video, "Didn't Mean It," singer Jasmine Villegas ("Baby," "Werk"), tells the story of a young woman who is trying to escape a domestically violent relationship. If the graphic video--which starts with Jasmine being physically abused by her boyfriend--feels a little too real, that's because it is.

Jasmine, who's half-Mexican, was herself in a domestically violent relationship and she's releasing the new video in an effort to raise awareness about domestic violence and help other young girls going through the same thing.

“This topic is very important to me because it’s something I experienced firsthand for over a year in a bad relationship," Jasmine told MTV.com. "Fortunately for me, I was able to get out relatively early, and now I want to let other women know that you don’t have to feel ashamed or embarrassed about getting help…I believe every woman is beautiful and sometimes we get caught up in situations or relationships that make us lose sight of how beautiful and precious we really are,” she said.

Jasmine, whose emotional new video tugs at our heartstrings, tells The Huffington Post she wants people who are going through what she went through, to reach out and ask for help. "If you or someone you know is going through this, visit LoveisRespect.org," she said. "You can talk to someone, get out of it and NEVER LOOK BACK!' she says.

We love you, Jasmine! Stay strong, chica!

Buy the song on iTunes.

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