Denny Rehberg Accused Of Hypocrisy For Anti-Paul Ryan Budget Ad

Rep. Lawmaker Accused Of Hypocrisy For Anti-Paul Ryan Ad

Some Democrats are tickled that the Montana Republican Party is backing Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) by running ads against the House Republicans' proposed budget. But others see hypocrisy.

Rehberg voted twice against the budget crafted by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), citing the impact it could have on senior citizens. The GOP ad argues that Rehberg voted against Ryan's plan because it "could harm the Medicare program."

While national Democrats are happy to see Rehberg making their argument, the ones in Montana think he is trying to have it both ways. That's because although he did vote against the Ryan budget, he later voted to "deem" that it passed and proceed with making appropriations based on the spending levels he had said he opposed.

"Congressman Rehberg would rather protect tax breaks for millionaires than do what's best for Montana," said Aaron Murphy, a spokesman for the campaign of Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), whose job Rehberg is seeking. "That’s why the Congressman wants to completely wipe out Title X, which provides cancer screenings and other health care services for more than 27,000 Montanans,” Murphy added, referring to Rehberg's opposition to the federal government's family planning program, which also supports breast cancer screenings done by Planned Parenthood and other providers.

Rehberg's campaign did not comment on the hypocrisy charge, although it did accuse Tester's campaign on Monday of "playing politics with cancer."

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