'How To Succeed With Women' On Funny Or Die Teaches The Best/Worst Ways To Pick Up Girls (VIDEO)

WATCH: This Guy Makes Tucker Max Look Gentlemanly

Do you desperately want to learn how to meet women, but think those Pick-Up Artist guys are just a little too respectable? Jim Davison has an answer for you.

This video, a "commercial" during comedian/dreamboat Nick Thune's "Nick's Big Talk Show," shows Davison (played by Whitest Kid U Know Trevor Moore) explaining his techniques on how to attract the opposite sex. And now, you too can seduce women with his surefire techniques, like comforting them over fictitious dead family members, and doing pretty much anything to grab their ass.

Then again, if Tucker Max can write entire books about getting girls by being a sleazebag, this video may not be so outlandish.

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