Ron Wayne, Noah Glass And More: 7 Founders That Tech Forgot

Inventor Of The Mouse, Apple's Lost Co-Founder: 7 Innovators That History Forgot

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates will forever be remembered for the tech empires they helped create. But what about those unknown innovators and quiet geniuses who have worked behind the scenes?

Each day we click our mouses several hundred times, but the average computer user can't recall the name of this device's inventor. Many social media enthusiasts tweet every few hours, but many of us don't know the story behind Twitter's founding.

Take a look at our gallery (below) to see some of the tech pioneers that history has overlooked. These forgotten founders helped create something notable and either found a new passion or found themselves pushed away from their original ideas. A few of these innovators parted amicably from the projects they helped create, while others settled bitter business differences in the courtroom.

Did you recognize these co-founders and inventors? Have we left anyone out? Sound off in the comment section, or tweet us at (@HuffPostTech) with your opinions.

Ronald Wayne, Apple

8 Forgotten Technology Founders

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